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Understanding Dredging

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Questionnaire: Adaptive Management of Environmental Aspects of Dredging and Marine Works


CEDA investigates the benefits of Adaptive Management in the context of Environmental Management. Share your experience in our online questionnaire! It will allow us to improve our information paper on best practise and benefits of Adaptive (Environmental) Management.

A number of publications, among which the CEDA information paper on Adaptive Management (AM), published in 2015, contain a high-level description of the different aspects of AM (in the context of dredging and marine works). The Adaptive Management Cycle includes to Plan, Design, Implement, Monitor, Evaluate and Adapt the process.

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The descriptions in these papers do not include details of AM of specific (environmental) parameters yet. In this fast-evolving topic, a number of information gaps and subjects that require revision have appeared the past years. The CEDA Environment Commission (CEC) has therefore decided to establish a Working Group (WG) to prepare a CEDA information paper on Adaptive Management in dredging, marine works and land reclamation projects. The paper will provide an overview of key aspects of all project phases to support a structured decision process while implementing AM. It will collect case studies demonstrating that AM can be applied to guarantee environmental compliance, as well as ensuring the project completion without significant impact on the aquatic environment. The ToR of the Wg can be found here.

The questionnaire aims at informing the WG on levels of awareness, current practices, main obstacles, and the knowledge gaps with respect to AM. Your input is highly appreciated and will enable further adoption of AM for the benefit of improved environmental management in the sector.

Please complete the questionnaire here.