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Understanding Dredging

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Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging

Relevant to a number of regulatory frameworks and processes, including the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in 2011, the Central Dredging Association (CEDA) has identified underwater sound as an issue that needs further consideration.
Since then CEDA has been at the forefront of advancing this subject in the context of dredging. Our aim is to provide decision makers, regulators, stakeholders and scientists with up-to-date, objective, technical/scientific knowledge and share best practice experience on

  • the effects of dredging induced underwater sound on aquatic biota; 
  • how to assess underwater sound by dredging; and
  • how to manage underwater sound by dredging.

Since 2011 to date we have:

  • produced a position paper and a technical guidance;
  • made presentations at a range of international events;
  • held a webinar and a workshop; and
  • participated in the work of the OSPAR ICG-Underwater Noise and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Technical sub-group underwater noise.

This section of the website brings together the results of these activities: