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Understanding Dredging


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The perspective of the Dutch-German Exchange (DGE) on sediment/dredged material management in Europe

€ 20,-


Presented during:

WODCON XVII: "Dredging in a Sensitive Environment" - 2004, Hamburg, Germany


H. Köthe and P.J den Besten

Abstract: Both in Germany and in the Netherlands human pressure on water systems is high and so is the need for dredging. The national volumes of dredged material amount to about 50 and 35 million m³/year, respectively.

Against this background the competent governmental authorities in The Netherlands and Germany have started a Dutch-German Exchange on Dredged Material (DGE) in the year 1999. This DGE was started as an informal bilateral platform for exchanging knowledge, information and experiences in the field of sediment management.

The results of these discussions have been put down in thematic reports.

At first sight, dredging activities may seem to be predominantly a local or regional affair, (environmental) standardisation being only a national issue. However, even though dredged material flows are confined within regional or national borders, dredging has a number of cross-national (European) dimensions. Most rivers and seas have more than one riparian state. When standards vary from one state to the other, dredging or disposal activities allowed in one state may give rise to unacceptable sediment pollution in a neighbouring state. Because of the strong relation of dredged material to water management within river basins, dredged material management should be addressed in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, leading to a common understanding and scientific tools in this area. The implementation of the European Water Framework Directive may therefore help to reduce contamination to such levels that relocation of dredged material within the same water system can take place without special restrictions. On behalf of DGE this paper describes briefly the understanding of dredged material management and its basic requirements, as developed within DGE.

Keywords: dredged material management, sediment, legislation, European Water Framework Directive, priority substances, treatment, confined disposal, ecotoxicology, ecology, risk assessment



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