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Understanding Dredging


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Modern design of double-walled dredge pumps

€ 20,-


Presented during:

WODCON XVII: "Dredging in a Sensitive Environment" - 2004, Hamburg, Germany


M. Rother, B. Yousef

Abstract: In this paper the main design criteria for a modern high performance dredge pump in double wall execution are outlined. The popularity of this type of dredge pump has grown over the past years due to the increased lifetime of the inner pump casing at higher operating pressures. Increasing the lifetime can be accomplished by compensation of the pressure forces working on the inner casing by means of an outer casing carrying the main pressure load.

In general it can be said that for the design of a modern double walled dredge pump, a lot of different requirements have to be taken into account. The main focus in this paper will be on one part of the design process, knowing the FEM-aided design of the casing and covers of the dredge pump. This method is used to optimize the strength and stiffness together with the weight and dimensions of the parts. To achieve this, all the main and additional loads during pump operation have to be determined, and put in the finite element model (FEM). This method will finally result in the most optimal design with respect to the costs, performance and handling of the pump and its parts.

Keywords: FEM, double wall, outer casing, casting, dredge pump



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